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When do we use γιατί or επειδή to mean because?  Which one of the two is more common?

by (460 points)

1 Answer

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If the causal sentence (= the sentense which starts with "επειδή" or "γιατί") comes after the main clause,  "επειδή" or "γιατί" can be used interchangeably. "Επειδή" is a bit more formal than "γιατί." "Γιατί" is  more common in oral speach, because it is shorter (γιατί"has 2 syllables, "επειδή" has 3 syllables")


Δεν ήρθε επειδή είχε δουλειά. = He didn't come because he was busy.

Δεν ήρθε γιατί είχε δουλειά. = He didn't come because he was busy. (less formal)


Επειδή είχε δουλειά, δεν ήρθε. = Because he was busy, he didn't come.

In this phrase we cannot put "γιατί" instead of "επειδή."

When "γιατί" is the first word of a phrase, it always means "why"


Γιατί δεν ήρθες; = Why you didn't come?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vasiliki Baskou, Instructor/Director, https://learn-greek-online.com.

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