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How do you type intonation and other Greek marks with the keyboard?

1 Answer

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This depends on your Operating System.

For Windows :

Intonation mark

Key combination


Tonos/Acute ΄

Dead key (;) + vowel

ά έ ή ί ύ ό ώ (all)

Dialytika ¨

Dead key (:) + vowel

ϊ ϋ

Dialytika with Tonos

Dead key (`) + vowel

ΐ ΰ

Panctuation markKey combination
Half-Stop/Ano Teleia ·AltGr + (>)
Question mark  ;q & Spacebar
Left bracket «AltGr + Dead key ([) & Spacebar
Right bracket »AltGr + Dead key (]) & Spacebar

For Linux :

Intonation mark

Key combination


Tonos/Acute ΄

Dead key (;) + vowel

ά έ ή ί ύ ό ώ (all)

Dialytika ¨

Dead key (:) + vowel

ϊ ϋ

Dialytika with Tonos

Dead key (:) + Dead key (;) + vowel

ΐ ΰ

Panctuation markKey combination
Half-Stop/Ano Teleia ·AltGr + (>)
Question mark  ;q
Left bracket «AltGr + ,
Right bracket »AltGr + .

To use the above combinations, you may need to enable the Greek keyboard layout for your Operating System first.

A Dead key is a special kind of a modifier key on a computer keyboard that is typically used to attach a specific diacritic to a base letter. The dead key does not generate a (complete) character by itself but modifies the character generated by the key struck immediately after.  (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key  )

AltGr is a modifier key found on some computer keyboards and is primarily used to type characters that are unusual for the locale of the keyboard layout, such as currency symbols and accented letters. On a typical, IBM-compatible PC keyboard, the AltGr key, when present, takes the place of the right-hand Alt key.  (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AltGr_key )

Here is more information for Greek Polytonic keyboard combinations and Greek keyboard installation instructions for different Operating Systems:

for Windows:

for Linux:  

Άνω τελεία και άλλοι «δύσκολοι» χαρακτήρες σε Linux

for Macintosh OS:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vasiliki Baskou, Instructor/Director, https://learn-greek-online.com.

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This is the most detailed tutorial for typing Greek text.  A great resource for anybody learning Greek.
Greek Polytonic and intonation