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What is the high level meaning of this song (i.e. what it is about)?   https://youtu.be/blt6i8jM-7g
by (120 points)

1 Answer

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In the video you mentioned, there is a mix of songs.  The first one is titled “Στην υγειά της αχάριστης” (Cheers to the Ungrateful), you can find this song here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bTgZX0pawk

Here are the lyrics, in Greek and English translation:

The man (singer) says “στην υγειά” (cheers) to the woman that she was ungrateful and abandoned him.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vasiliki Baskou, Instructor/Director, https://learn-greek-online.com.

by (45.0k points)